Craigslist is the most popular name in classified advertisement segment. Everybody knows about the services offered by Craigslist and a majority of them have used the services of Craigslist at some point of time in life. The website offers the facility to post classified advertisements related to jobs, housing, personals, customer services, and for sell and hire. It is among one of the oldest service still in extensive use by people. Every day the website serves millions of page visits, which confirm its popularity and effectiveness among people.
Craigslist, founded by Craig Newmark, is among a few most popular websites in United States. According to the latest reports from, Craigslist is 11th most popular website in United States and 37th most popular website worldwide. People use it for finding job listing and all kinds of classified advertisements.
Job search and classified advertisements are among the most popular segments used by visitors from United States as well as from other parts of globe. The website offers listings based on geographical locations. No matter a person is looking for a job or employees for a particular vacancy in their office, Craigslist is equally important for both of them. It is among the top five online destinations for employers as well as job seekers in United States.
Craigslist is also an ultimate destination for people looking to sell or buy a house. Sellers have to pay a little sum for posting a classified listing. Currently it is $75 per ad for the San Francisco Bay Area; $25 per for New York City, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston, Seattle, Washington DC, Chicago, Philadelphia and Portland, Oregon - and paid broker apartment listings in New York City ($10 per ad). The cost may vary according to the location (country or city).
Currently users have to select a location (city or country) to further have a detailed listing of various classified categories. It's a little bit time consuming. To minimize the time taken in job or classified search, people can use some third party websites where they do not have to select their country, city or geographical location. They can perform simple search like they do in normal Google search, and website instantly returns the entire results from Craigslist matching their interest.
If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: easy jobs that pay well