Though payday loans are generally considered the easiest way to get a loan and the fastest for that matter, not all people who apply for a payday loan gets approved. The following are some of the basic reasons that people get denied when applying for these types of loans:
Most of the people who get disapproved when applying are those that don't meet or earn the minimum income required, or ones that don't have a regular job. Even the most considerate and flexible payday lenders can't afford to loan money to someone who grosses less than the minimum wage.
Getting a payday loan is more difficult to get for someone who's self employed. Most lenders don't usually accept self employed applicants for security purposes. Lenders who do usually require bank statements of previous months to verify stability of income.
Most payday lenders universally require applicants to have a bank account. Payday loans typically are due to be repaid on or the next payday. And usually, money will be deducted from your bank account as agreed. Having no bank account makes it harder for lenders to accept payment though.
As suggested with the term "payday loan", you must have an income or payday to qualify. Even a healthy savings account will not get you approved if you have no income. But come to think of it, why would you get a loan if you have a good amount of savings right?
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